Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Maximus Ayden LaBaw

My little guy finally made his appearance.

It all started on Friday morning at 8:30. I was asleep and the phone woke me up. It was the hospital and I was in shock because my doctor was out of town and had called me the day before and told me who was covering for him in case I went on my own. If nothing happened he would see me on Monday and scheduled me an appointment. All I could think when I saw that on the caller ID was what's wrong.

I picked up the phone and the voice on the other end says "Tiffany?"
Hospital: Where do you live.
Me: Orem
Hospital: Can you be her in 45 minutes?
Me: Do you know that my doctor is out of town?
Hospital: Yes. No problem though he has someone covering for him. We have an opening do you want it.
Me: You bet I'll be there.
I hang up call Mike to tell him to meet me at the hospital. Luckily he was just finishing a job so he could head straight back to the shop and then the hospital. I called my mom to wake up my sister so she could come get Kloey and my mom met me at the hospital to be with me until Mike could get there.
I got to the hospital and they got me all set up. (blew out 2 veins made me sick then finally got in the IV.) They put me on the machine and I was having contractions every 4 minutes on my own and I was dilated to a 4+ so the nurse thinks I probably would have went on my own over the weekend. Anyways the nurse calls to get the orders to start the pit and my doctor is mad cuz he told them to cancel me. But since I was all set up he gave me the choice of if I wanted to go home or have the on call Doctor Deliver. Um Hello I am staying I was not going home from that hospital one more time without a baby.
The started the pit around 11:15. Broke my water at 1:15 and I was mushing at 2:30.
I was a little scared during delivery and pushing as hard as I could because with every contractions the babies heart rate would drop and the doctor just had that concerned look on his face. He even had them get the vacuum ready and had an extra person in there for resuscitation. You all know that I am such an emotional person but I knew I had to hold it together for my little baby and get him out. I pushed as hard as I could with every contraction and tried not to look at Mike cuz I knew I would lose it if I looked at him. I held it together and got him out and he started screaming right away and had great color. He was perfect. The contractions were just squeezing his head too tight.
Max was born at 2:51 PM. He weighed 8 lbs and 1 oz and was 20 inches long. He is perfect and a great baby. He hardly cries only when it's time to eat or if he's poopie.
Kloey loves him and is so gentle with him. She has been really good. She's a little emotional but has taken this a lot better than I expected. We are doing our best to distribute our attention.
Right now we are just resting and taking it easy. I am enjoying spending this time with my beautiful babies.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Baby Update

This morning I got a phone call from my Doctor. The actual Dr not his secretary which is weird cuz I have never had a Dr call me personally before. He called to check on me and let me not know that the baby looks great and not to worry. But he set me up to get induced on Wednesday.
I had a little scare yesterday and went to the hospital. I wasn't feeling my super active baby moving. I drank juice and laid down, put an ice pack on him which anything cold usually makes him squirm. We got nothing so I decided I needed to go have him checked. We got there and the hooked me up to the monitors and I heard the beautiful sound of his beating heart and it was strong and kept accelerating up which they told me is a good thing. They watched him for a while and sent me on my way. He has been moving some today so I feel much better.
I can't wait to meet him Wednesday if not sooner.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Baby Contest

Kloey was in the Orem Summerfest Baby contest Yesterday and she took 1st place. She is so adorable and did a great job with the judges. I am so glad that she won because she has been talking about getting a medal for 3 days.

I told her on Thursday that she was going to be in a baby contest on Saturday and she asked me why. So I showed her the previous medals that she's won that are hanging on her wall. She said "Mom I want another medal I need a new one." So everywhere she went after that she would ask me "Is this where I am going to get my medal?" She even asked my dad Friday night, "Grandpa do you want to come to the circus tomorrow and watch me win a medal?"

She is so smart and so stinking cute. She was super excited when she got that medal. She also won a door prize which was awesome and something we (as in mommy) has really been wanting. I little tikes kids picnic table. It will come in very handy.

Kloey is retiring from the baby contest world now and it makes me sad that my little girl is getting so big. Every day she says or does something that makes me smile and laugh. I shouldn't be surprised by her but I am because she is so SMART!!!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Any Day now

It's about time for an update it's been a while.

I went to the Dr today and he told us that our "Little Max" will be here within a week. I was feeling really icky on Tuesday so I called the Dr's office to see if they could see me and they sent me over to Labor and Delivery. I really didn't want to go cuz I never went and got sent home with out a baby when I was pregnant with Kloey. However this time when I went I had in my mind that I would be going home so I wouldn't be disappointed.
They hooked me up to the monitor and watched the baby and the contractions. When they checked me I was dilated to a 1+ and only about 65-70% thinned. So 2 hours later with no change they sent me home.

Today we went for my regular OB check and I now am a 3 and 70% but not much change. He said he could feel the babies head and I should be having this little guy within a week. If I don't have him by Wednesday he will strip me to move things along. Hopefully I won't have to get to that point. I feel like he will be here in the next few days but with babies you never know. They decide not Us.

As for Kloey she is going to be in her last baby contest on Saturday. She is getting too old to be considered a "baby" anymore so this is the last year she can enter. She has won all the others that she has been in and of course we think she is the cutest thing ever and hope she wins again this year.

She is getting so big and saying the funniest things. This little girl of ours has a major attitude and is to dang smart. Her new phrase used to be "your a mean mom/dad!" Then it went to "Stupid mean mom/dad," Now it is "thanks guys you ruined my life." The first time she said that I think I laughed about it for 10 minutes. She is a pretty good girl other than being a dramatic 2 year old.
Kloey is really excited for her little brother to come. We went to a sibling class last night at the hospital and she was so excited to tell everyone that she is going to a be a Big Sister!!!
Every time I leave she has to give me a kiss and my tummy a kiss. She is going to be the best Sister. I can't wait. Although I have to admit I am a little nervous about her smothering him.