Saturday, March 21, 2009


We went and had a 4D Ultra Sound done today. It was awesome. He was awake and moving. It was so amazing to actually see him move as I was feeling it. He constantly had his hand in front of his face and was wiggling his fingers waving them in front of him.
Everything looks good and his feet are huge just like his sisters. His feet are already 2 inches long (she measured them for me.) Here are all of the pictures they took. He looked so comfy in there with his ankles crossed and his arms up by his head. That's how I like mine too when I am all comfortable. We're glad he's comforatable and can't wait to see him in person.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The precious moments in life

Mike was putting Kloey to bed and when he didn't come out for about 30 minutes I went to see what was up and here is what I found. My 3 babies sleeping all in Kloey's twin bed. Well matress I should say. I really do have one ordered we have just had trouble getting it and had to order it from somewhere else. Anyways don't you love how Mike has on Kloey's blanket and she doesn't have on any.

Daddy's BIG TRUCK.

So Mike had his work truck in the shop over a weekend and had to take some money by to pay for it when Kloey was with him. They needed him to move it so he did and Kloey got to go for a short ride around the parking lot. Well she didn't want to get out so he told her she could ride in it when he picked it up.

We went to pick it up Saturday night late after leaving one of our friends house. Well Kloey was practically asleep until we pulled up to the truck. She livened right up and said Daddy I want to ride in your BIG TRUCK! He said how about tomorrow and Kloey responds "BUT Daddy You Said." And as most of you know Mike can't resist his little girl. So he loaded her car seat into the truck and took her with him. Good thing I had my camera. She loved it.

Safe Kids Fair

We went to the safe kids fair a couple of weekends ago with My sister taren and her little boy Camden. The expo was super packed so we left and went to lunch at Spaghetti Mama's. I have never been there before and it was pretty tastey. Then we went shopping. It was so much fun spending time with My little sister. I miss her tons.

Camden at Spaghetti Mama's Kloey at Spaghetti Mama's

The safe kids fair had little booths for the kids to participate in. Her Kloey is pitching to the catcher and she even got to keep the ball. She was really looking forward to seeing spider man and watched him for a minute then we left the performance to go check things out cuz the booths were a lot less crowded when Spidey was doing his performance.

Mommy's Make-up mishap

One night after dinner I was doing dishes and I thought Kloey was watching cartoons in the living room.

She comes running in saying "Look Mommy I am 'wonerful.'"I turn around to see this. I could stop laughing I mean how could I be mad. The last 2 pics the make up smeared a little cuz seh started crying when I was attempting to get after her.

Catch up time

Ok so I am not great at this blog thing yet and I am totally slacking. But I can't make it do what I want so I will have to post each event in a different post to make it look the way I want.
Kloey has been going to the pool with Anthony. He is prepping her for swimming lessons before he heads out for his mission. He teaches swimming lessons but won't be here to teach her so he is getting her used to the water and she is brave enough to put her face under a little bit in the bathtub now. And she knows how to float.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Sometimes my job makes me want to do this. Just a side note for everyone cuz I am having one of those days and needed to vent. Sad I'm venting through the computer.