Monday, November 2, 2009

My New Adventure

Life has been a little crazy lately. I decided not to go back to work at Alison's Pantry for a couple of reasons but the main reason is because I couldn't afford to go back. I would be losing money by the time daycare and insurance came out of my paycheck. I spent time with my kids and learning how to cook new things. But NOW I am changing our families financial future. I have been so lucky as to have had this new business opportunity presented to me from our friend Nick.

I love it. I get to spend all day with my kids and I get to go help change other families lives for the better at night when Mike is home with the kids. I am so excited to start this new business adventure. I can't wait to prove to everyone how successful I am and will be.

~Successful People are willing to do the things that unsuccessful people aren't.~

So if any of you know anyone that is looking for an opportunity to make extra money either part time or full time send them my way. Or if any of you have broken finances or careers let me know and maybe we can change that.

This business is truely a blessing for my family. I love helping others and doing what is right for them and this company allows me to do that and compensates me well. They even let me spend as much time as I want with my kids. (Let's face it the couple of hours a week that I get away from them is needed. it keeps me sane.) I have even taken my kids with me on a few appointments. I can't wait to influence my children in an even more positive way. My kids mean everything to me and everything I do is for them.

Happy Halloween

This year we had a Beatiful Princess Belle and a cute little Yoda. We Kept it simple. We took Kloey trick or treating in the neighborhood I grew up in then went to dinner with some friends and over to the Woods Spook house. Kloey was so unsure of everything that was going on it's hard to explain that it's our friends underneath the masks. enjoy some pictures of our little darlings.

Carving Pumpkins

We had fun carving pumpkins this year. Although I was too nervous to let Kloey use the knife. She had fun digging out the guts and poking holes. Max had a great time watching from his Bumbo. Here are some pics of our night.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Happy Early Halloween from the LaBaw's

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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Family photo Contest

I entered hopefully we will win. Wish us luck

Monday, September 14, 2009

Kloey's 3rd Birthday Party

Here are the pics from Kloey's Party. She got spoiled rotten. BUt it was a fun party.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

coming soon

Just a little update.
I know the video below doesn't work. It should be fixed tomorrow night.

Kloey's Birthday was so much fun i will post pics when I wake up in the morning.

Anthony is headed to Chili tomorrow. His good Spanish speaking skills limited his time in the MTC. We already miss him a ton. But we are so Proud that he is out serving the Lord the way he wants to. Love you Anth.

Friday, September 11, 2009

3 years ago...

This is what I looked like. This is the night before Kloey was born and her 2 parents couldn't have been happier. We both had been wanting kids for a long time. Mike much longer than me. It was about this time on Sept 11, 2009 and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I was scheduled to be induced the next morning at 6am. I couldn't sleep so at about 5 I started getting ready and at 5:30 I got a phone call that they were too busy and to call at 9. So I did and they said not yet call at 12. Then about 10:30 I got a call saying to come now. I will never forget the anticipation waiting for my sweet little girl that changed my life forever. This is "Our" song. We sing it almost every night. She has been able to sing along since she was about 18 months old. I am finally able to sing it without choking up. I still sometimes do because I don't know where I would be in my life if it weren't Kloey and Mike coming into my life. I love you Baby girl. You will always be my baby girl even though you don't like me to call you that anymore so I will call you our "pet" name. I love you "BABY CAKES" and thank you Mike for such an awesome little ham.

Yes I know that McBride and Grow are both spelled wrong I was making this at like 1am. then i saved it wrong so I can't edit it.

Friday, August 21, 2009

2 Months ago today....

Max was born. I can't believe how the time has flown by. He is growing so fast. I took him to the Dr. for some tummy troubles he has been having. He cries a lot and can't poop on his own so I took him in to my favorite pediatrician ever. She is great. Thanks Aunt Rose for referring us to her. Anyways she says she doesn't think that it is the constipation that is bothering him. She said it could be something I am eating or Reflux which runs in my family. So she gave me a few ideas on things to cut out of my diet but luckily not all at once she said try cutting out an item for 2-3 days and see if it helps. We also got a Rx for prevacid which Kloey was on when she was a baby until she was 1. She also said that even though he acts like he's hungry he's probably not and it makes his tummy hurt worse cuz he is getting over-full. That explains why he jumped in his weight from the 24th percentile to the 77th percentile. But I think his chunkiness is cute.

We will work through the tummy problems and I can't wait to have a happy baby and a good nights sleep. I love my little Max and can't wait until his cute little smiles turn into an all day thing.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Babe

Today is Mike's 34th Birthday!!! I wanted to do a little tribute to him to show my love. I really couldn't ask for anyone more perfect for me. Here are the top 20 reasons reasons I can't get enough of him.

1.He gave me 2 beautiful babies.
2.Mike's the best dad to our kids.
3.His love of children.
4.The way he acts all tough like he doesn't love kids.
5.His crazy joking personality with Kloey.
6.The way he fits right in with my family.
7.His family has always accepted me.

8.How proud he is of his step son Anthony.
9.The way he considers Anthony his son and not his step son.

10.He always makes me laugh.
11.After 3 and a half years I still can't tell when he's serious.
12.We have always been able to finish each other sentences and know what the other is thinking since day 1.
13.The way he grows his facial hair just to annoy me.

14.The way he considers his friends family.
15.How he works a ton of hours for our family.
16.I love how grateful he is for my cooking.
17.His love for his car.
18.I can tell him anything without worrying what will follow.
19.He gets along with everyone.
20.He does things he really doesn't want to do just to make me happy.

I love you Mike and look forward to spening a lot more Birthdays with you.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Maximus is 2 weeks Old!!!!

It's been 2 weeks since I gave birth to our baby boy. I can't believe how time has flown by.
He has been so much fun to have around. Kloey loves him so much and has been a good helper. Althought she refuses to throw away or even touch his dirty diapers. She will get clean ones and wipes but the dirty ones gross her out.
Max keeps changing daily I just wish his sleeping routine would change. He loves to sleep all day and stay awake and eat all night.
He has a Dr appointment on Tuesday and we will see then how much he has grown. He doesn't quite fit into his clothes yet but before I know it he will be too big for them. I am happy to be home and spend the summer with my babies. Being a mother brings me so much joy. All I ever wanted was to be a mom and have a family and I am so grateful to have that. Mike and my 2 babies truely make me happy and have been what I have dreamed of all my life. My Family Truely does ROCK!!!!!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Maximus Ayden LaBaw

My little guy finally made his appearance.

It all started on Friday morning at 8:30. I was asleep and the phone woke me up. It was the hospital and I was in shock because my doctor was out of town and had called me the day before and told me who was covering for him in case I went on my own. If nothing happened he would see me on Monday and scheduled me an appointment. All I could think when I saw that on the caller ID was what's wrong.

I picked up the phone and the voice on the other end says "Tiffany?"
Hospital: Where do you live.
Me: Orem
Hospital: Can you be her in 45 minutes?
Me: Do you know that my doctor is out of town?
Hospital: Yes. No problem though he has someone covering for him. We have an opening do you want it.
Me: You bet I'll be there.
I hang up call Mike to tell him to meet me at the hospital. Luckily he was just finishing a job so he could head straight back to the shop and then the hospital. I called my mom to wake up my sister so she could come get Kloey and my mom met me at the hospital to be with me until Mike could get there.
I got to the hospital and they got me all set up. (blew out 2 veins made me sick then finally got in the IV.) They put me on the machine and I was having contractions every 4 minutes on my own and I was dilated to a 4+ so the nurse thinks I probably would have went on my own over the weekend. Anyways the nurse calls to get the orders to start the pit and my doctor is mad cuz he told them to cancel me. But since I was all set up he gave me the choice of if I wanted to go home or have the on call Doctor Deliver. Um Hello I am staying I was not going home from that hospital one more time without a baby.
The started the pit around 11:15. Broke my water at 1:15 and I was mushing at 2:30.
I was a little scared during delivery and pushing as hard as I could because with every contractions the babies heart rate would drop and the doctor just had that concerned look on his face. He even had them get the vacuum ready and had an extra person in there for resuscitation. You all know that I am such an emotional person but I knew I had to hold it together for my little baby and get him out. I pushed as hard as I could with every contraction and tried not to look at Mike cuz I knew I would lose it if I looked at him. I held it together and got him out and he started screaming right away and had great color. He was perfect. The contractions were just squeezing his head too tight.
Max was born at 2:51 PM. He weighed 8 lbs and 1 oz and was 20 inches long. He is perfect and a great baby. He hardly cries only when it's time to eat or if he's poopie.
Kloey loves him and is so gentle with him. She has been really good. She's a little emotional but has taken this a lot better than I expected. We are doing our best to distribute our attention.
Right now we are just resting and taking it easy. I am enjoying spending this time with my beautiful babies.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Baby Update

This morning I got a phone call from my Doctor. The actual Dr not his secretary which is weird cuz I have never had a Dr call me personally before. He called to check on me and let me not know that the baby looks great and not to worry. But he set me up to get induced on Wednesday.
I had a little scare yesterday and went to the hospital. I wasn't feeling my super active baby moving. I drank juice and laid down, put an ice pack on him which anything cold usually makes him squirm. We got nothing so I decided I needed to go have him checked. We got there and the hooked me up to the monitors and I heard the beautiful sound of his beating heart and it was strong and kept accelerating up which they told me is a good thing. They watched him for a while and sent me on my way. He has been moving some today so I feel much better.
I can't wait to meet him Wednesday if not sooner.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Baby Contest

Kloey was in the Orem Summerfest Baby contest Yesterday and she took 1st place. She is so adorable and did a great job with the judges. I am so glad that she won because she has been talking about getting a medal for 3 days.

I told her on Thursday that she was going to be in a baby contest on Saturday and she asked me why. So I showed her the previous medals that she's won that are hanging on her wall. She said "Mom I want another medal I need a new one." So everywhere she went after that she would ask me "Is this where I am going to get my medal?" She even asked my dad Friday night, "Grandpa do you want to come to the circus tomorrow and watch me win a medal?"

She is so smart and so stinking cute. She was super excited when she got that medal. She also won a door prize which was awesome and something we (as in mommy) has really been wanting. I little tikes kids picnic table. It will come in very handy.

Kloey is retiring from the baby contest world now and it makes me sad that my little girl is getting so big. Every day she says or does something that makes me smile and laugh. I shouldn't be surprised by her but I am because she is so SMART!!!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Any Day now

It's about time for an update it's been a while.

I went to the Dr today and he told us that our "Little Max" will be here within a week. I was feeling really icky on Tuesday so I called the Dr's office to see if they could see me and they sent me over to Labor and Delivery. I really didn't want to go cuz I never went and got sent home with out a baby when I was pregnant with Kloey. However this time when I went I had in my mind that I would be going home so I wouldn't be disappointed.
They hooked me up to the monitor and watched the baby and the contractions. When they checked me I was dilated to a 1+ and only about 65-70% thinned. So 2 hours later with no change they sent me home.

Today we went for my regular OB check and I now am a 3 and 70% but not much change. He said he could feel the babies head and I should be having this little guy within a week. If I don't have him by Wednesday he will strip me to move things along. Hopefully I won't have to get to that point. I feel like he will be here in the next few days but with babies you never know. They decide not Us.

As for Kloey she is going to be in her last baby contest on Saturday. She is getting too old to be considered a "baby" anymore so this is the last year she can enter. She has won all the others that she has been in and of course we think she is the cutest thing ever and hope she wins again this year.

She is getting so big and saying the funniest things. This little girl of ours has a major attitude and is to dang smart. Her new phrase used to be "your a mean mom/dad!" Then it went to "Stupid mean mom/dad," Now it is "thanks guys you ruined my life." The first time she said that I think I laughed about it for 10 minutes. She is a pretty good girl other than being a dramatic 2 year old.
Kloey is really excited for her little brother to come. We went to a sibling class last night at the hospital and she was so excited to tell everyone that she is going to a be a Big Sister!!!
Every time I leave she has to give me a kiss and my tummy a kiss. She is going to be the best Sister. I can't wait. Although I have to admit I am a little nervous about her smothering him.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Kamp Kloey

Mike and his Friend Shaun were going camping last weekend and Kloey really wanted to go. But 1st off they were going to California and 2nd Pregnant Mommy's don't love to go camping in tents. So to make Kloey happy Mike told her he would set the tent up in her room. I was OK with it for 1 night only he had to take it down before he left. She actually slept in it which I didn't think she would. Kloey is so much fun even though she's a little spoiled. Look at that face you can't help but spoil her. The tent came down the next morning and Kloey didn't throw a fit so she must have got her feel for camping in 1 night.
The next day Mike and Shaun left for Cali and Kloey and I got to spend some time alone together. I am not going to lie I loved every minute of it. She was such a good girl for me. She actually listened really good and didn't potty in her panties. We went shopping on Saturday but didn't really get anything good. Kloey didn't care though she just loves to be out and about. Then on Sunday I took her to see Monsters vs Aliens in 3d. it was a super cute movie and we were 1 of 2 families that were in the movie theater. She sat in her seat through the whole movie but wouldn't really wear the 3d glasses cuz they were to big and if she sat back in her chair they would fall off. How she watched it without the glasses on I don't know though. I took mine off to see how she was seeing it and it was super blurry. It didn't seem to bother her though.
I love my little girl so much. She definitely changed the person that I was into the Mother that I always wanted to be. She is so fun with so much personality. The funniest things come out of her mouth like this conversation:
Kloey: Can I have chocwate
Me: 1 more this is the last piece.
Kloey: Ok then I eat it, then I ask for more, then you tell me NO OK?
Me: (trying not to laugh as Anthony is busting up) OK I will make sure that's how it goes.
Ha ha sure enough she asked for another one but when I told her no she just said "OK' and never made a fuss. I love the crazy things she says and the fun her and I have together. I can't wait for her to become a big sister. Her little brother is going to be crazy about her. Whenever she gets really close to my belly (she thinks he's in the belly button) and talks to Max, he starts wiggling around. He loves her voice already.
Ok I am way off track of Kamp Kloey so I will stop writing.

Egg Hunt

Easter was also my niece Addy's Birthday which was a great excuse for all of us get to together. The kids are never all together at once and it turned out great. We all gathered at my dad's and Step Mom's house for breakfast and an egg hunt. Kristie made breakfast casserole and I made orange rolls (from Scratch, I'm proud OK!) and breakfast was so yummy. Then we let the kids go out to hunt eggs. They all had fun doing it. I tried to get pics of all of them. We even got a picture of all of the kids together which is actually the first picture that I think there is of all of them. After Max is born we will have to get a picture taken professionally with all of the kids. They just keep multiplying and it's hard for everyone to get together but we definitely need to do it more often. Not just for the kids but for all of older siblings we need to get together more. I love my brother and sisters.

Easter Morning

Easter Morning was so cute. That crazy Easter bunny put eggs all the way from the bedroom door to her Easter basket. It was so cute when she looked down and saw that first egg. She walked down the hall picking them up one after the other. Then when she got to the last egg she looked up and saw the basket. She dropped the last egg and her jaw hit the ground. She was so excited. The first thing she grabbed out of the bucket was socks. She hugged them and kissed them and said "My sleeping Beauty Socks from the store, I love them so much!" What kid goes for socks first? Seriously? She got Thumbelina and sidewalk chalk and she was stoked the eggs were filled with money. I decided she didn't need candy this year.

Jazz Game

For my Birthday we went to the Jazz game. Kloey has been asking to go for the last 2 months. one night while we were watching the game she said "Mom, you forgot take me to Jazz bassBall Game and you said!" After that I knew we had to take her and then I decided that's what I wanted to do for my Birthday.

She was such a good girl and sat there through the whole game without whining or crawling all over the place. She is spoiled too. I bought her a foam finger and then some lady gave her clapper hands and then she got a ball that daddy caught and a thunder stick after the game. She let me paint her face and she cheered them on. They lost horribly that night but we had a great time. These are some of my favorite pics from the night.

Coloring Easter Eggs

This is pretty self explanatory. Kloey was just like a little pro. The best part it only took about 10 minutes and there wasn't really a mess. It was great.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


We went and had a 4D Ultra Sound done today. It was awesome. He was awake and moving. It was so amazing to actually see him move as I was feeling it. He constantly had his hand in front of his face and was wiggling his fingers waving them in front of him.
Everything looks good and his feet are huge just like his sisters. His feet are already 2 inches long (she measured them for me.) Here are all of the pictures they took. He looked so comfy in there with his ankles crossed and his arms up by his head. That's how I like mine too when I am all comfortable. We're glad he's comforatable and can't wait to see him in person.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The precious moments in life

Mike was putting Kloey to bed and when he didn't come out for about 30 minutes I went to see what was up and here is what I found. My 3 babies sleeping all in Kloey's twin bed. Well matress I should say. I really do have one ordered we have just had trouble getting it and had to order it from somewhere else. Anyways don't you love how Mike has on Kloey's blanket and she doesn't have on any.

Daddy's BIG TRUCK.

So Mike had his work truck in the shop over a weekend and had to take some money by to pay for it when Kloey was with him. They needed him to move it so he did and Kloey got to go for a short ride around the parking lot. Well she didn't want to get out so he told her she could ride in it when he picked it up.

We went to pick it up Saturday night late after leaving one of our friends house. Well Kloey was practically asleep until we pulled up to the truck. She livened right up and said Daddy I want to ride in your BIG TRUCK! He said how about tomorrow and Kloey responds "BUT Daddy You Said." And as most of you know Mike can't resist his little girl. So he loaded her car seat into the truck and took her with him. Good thing I had my camera. She loved it.

Safe Kids Fair

We went to the safe kids fair a couple of weekends ago with My sister taren and her little boy Camden. The expo was super packed so we left and went to lunch at Spaghetti Mama's. I have never been there before and it was pretty tastey. Then we went shopping. It was so much fun spending time with My little sister. I miss her tons.

Camden at Spaghetti Mama's Kloey at Spaghetti Mama's

The safe kids fair had little booths for the kids to participate in. Her Kloey is pitching to the catcher and she even got to keep the ball. She was really looking forward to seeing spider man and watched him for a minute then we left the performance to go check things out cuz the booths were a lot less crowded when Spidey was doing his performance.

Mommy's Make-up mishap

One night after dinner I was doing dishes and I thought Kloey was watching cartoons in the living room.

She comes running in saying "Look Mommy I am 'wonerful.'"I turn around to see this. I could stop laughing I mean how could I be mad. The last 2 pics the make up smeared a little cuz seh started crying when I was attempting to get after her.

Catch up time

Ok so I am not great at this blog thing yet and I am totally slacking. But I can't make it do what I want so I will have to post each event in a different post to make it look the way I want.
Kloey has been going to the pool with Anthony. He is prepping her for swimming lessons before he heads out for his mission. He teaches swimming lessons but won't be here to teach her so he is getting her used to the water and she is brave enough to put her face under a little bit in the bathtub now. And she knows how to float.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Sometimes my job makes me want to do this. Just a side note for everyone cuz I am having one of those days and needed to vent. Sad I'm venting through the computer.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

Mike and I were sitting in the living room talking today when we heard the Clunking of shoes walking through the kitchen. This is no surprise because Kloey has constantly been taking all of my shoes out of my closet and has been wearing them around lately. But you can't call them shoes when they are on her feet cuz they are "PRINCESS SWIPPERS." Anyways her she comes walking around the corner dressed like this. All we could do was laugh. She was dressed like Daddy wearing his shoes, hat, and most important his sunglasses (something he never goes without and has like 10 pairs."

She really loves her Daddy. They always have so much fun together. These pictures prove how much she loves him and wants to be like him.

Bowling Fun

Today we took Kloey bowling with some of our friends. I told her I would take her to do something fun this weekend and this is what we did.
It was her first time going bowling and she was super cute and excited. She used the little ramp and before she would push the ball down she would say "1-2-3-5-7-9-7-9-7-9-7-8-9-10!!!!!!!". It took her like 3 minutes to push the ball she said those numbers so many times. Her are some pics of our fun time bowling. She won the 2nd game on the kids lane. I won the 1st game on the adult lane. Then Mike and Shaun came for the 2nd game and kicked but. Kloey won her game with a 122 which I don't know the last time I actually got that high except for on the Wii which isn't exactly the same.
We had fun and will definitely do it again before I get to big that I can't. Oh yeah speaking of getting big. Kloey felt Max move today. She was laying on me and said "Woah Mom your tummy is moving." I don't think she really realizes that it is actually a baby in there moving around but she did feel him move before Mike. The baby never makes any huge movements for Daddy. I think by next week though he should be able to feel him moving good cuz Mommy sure does.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Our Wish Came True

its a boy Pictures, Images and Photos

We had our ultra sound today and this is what we found out.

We are super excited to be having a boy. We would have been happy with a girl but are glad for little Max. Yes that will be his name. We haven't decided on a middle name. Everything looked great in the ultra sound and my due date is still June 28th.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Date night at the Game

\A couple of weekends ago I entered to win some Jazz tickets online and I actually won. Which was amazing cuz I definately don't have the best of luck.

I LOVE watching Jazz games and have been wanting to go so this was a great opportunity. Mike and I had a lot of fun together with just the 2 of us. We don't get the chance to go out very often with just US. Here we are waiting for the game to start. We were 23 rows off the court behind the Jazz bench. It was pretty cool. Especially because I was expecting nose bleed seats.
Mike is showing off his hat and I am showing off some red vines.

Here's the team in a time out. D-Will wasn't playing which made me sad but Damn did he look good in that suit.

This one is for my sister Melissa. She loves Kyle Korver and swears she is going to marry him one day.
Kloey is showing off her new JAZZ SHIRT. She freaking loves it. When I gave it to her she hugged it and said, "my jazz shirt I love my jazz shirt."

Super Bowl Party

On Sunday we went over to my Dad's for the Super Bowl. Mainly I went for the food and company. I don't love football. It was a small get together with my parents, Granparents, Taren's family and us. Small means more great food to go around. And I ate way too much!!!! The baby definately didn't appreciate it.

My favorite part of the whole game was watching Kloey and my Dad dancing during half time. Kloey sure loves her "pam-pa." I think that he kinda like her too. They are always so cute together and she gets so excited to see him. Here are some picks of the event. None of Grandma and Granpa though cuz they ditched out on us early.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Random pics of Kloey the last few days

I came up stairs and this is what Kloey was wearing. I love it!!! Mike just better not catch her dressing this way in her wild years. She is going to hate these pics later.

Kloey got a new Pee Pee in the Potty Doll and she loves her. She has been playing with her ever since we put her in the cart. She was on clearance for a great price so I thought this will help motivate her to get FULLY Potty trained. The doll is cute and interactive.